Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Lucy Character Explorations

Playing around with expressions and personality with Lucy.


  1. Holy crap Claire, these are awesome! My only note is that I want to see Lucy wearing the poncho and hat combo that Callie came up with. I will probably print this out anyway and put it up on the lab, but if you could do some more drawings with Lucy wearing those clothes, that'd be great. Thank you so much!!

  2. So Kelly and I talked about these and while we both agreed that these are super awesome, we were also afraid that most animators would probably not be able to keep up with that level of detail. So when you're sketching these out, could you simplify everything? Feel free to e-mail me if you have any more questions!

    1. Sure thing! I'll simplify it up and post again.
      So we do want Lucy to have the hat for sure? I thought we didn't want that on her anymore. I'll add it to the next batch of sketches.

    2. Well, it's not *for sure*, but I really want to try it. Design-wise I think she looks good with the hat, but animating her with the hat might be troublesome. Just try it for now and we'll see how it looks!
